Deep Memory: A Sales Center Design by Holf Chen

Blending Urban Texture and Contemporary Spatial Language

This project takes the urban texture of Dalian as the design origin, and uses contemporary spatial language to describe "deep memory, local new life", the new and the old in the space, the typo and false in the composition, the realism and the intention, and outlines an aura place to flow.

Dalian, a city with a fusion of Eastern and Western architectural styles, serves as the inspiration for the Deep Memory sales center design by Holf Chen. With its elegant and chic Gothic architecture and traditional bluestone roads, Dalian exudes a unique charm where exotic and local customs intertwine. The project aims to capture the essence of this magical urban texture, combining elements from different periods to create a space that seamlessly blends East and West, old and new.

The Deep Memory sales center spans an area of 980 square meters and showcases the ingenuity of its design team, led by Holf Chen and Yani Hong. The challenge of controlling the overall spatial scale was overcome through meticulous experimentation with interior space models and the construction of a partial sample room on-site. This attention to detail ensured the best spatial effects for the entire project.

The design features a harmonious interplay of materials such as marble, wood veneer, stiffened fabric, and brushed materials. Artistic chandeliers, glass crystals, and stone elements create a dialogue between roughness and delicacy, organic and minimalist aesthetics. The result is a magnetic field of space that exudes a unique natural beauty.

Deep Memory not only showcases the fusion of architectural styles but also pays homage to the deep local memory and the free growth of local culture. The rough stones, the language of growing pine trees, and the compositional charm of the space all evoke images of the rich history and cultural heritage of Dalian.

The Deep Memory sales center design was recognized for its excellence and creativity, receiving the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2022. This prestigious award honors designs that embody resourcefulness, technical skill, and contribute to improving the quality of life.

With its seamless blend of urban texture, contemporary spatial language, and homage to local culture, Deep Memory stands as a testament to Holf Chen's innovative approach to design. It serves as an inspiring example of how architecture and design can create spaces that reflect the unique identity of a place while embracing the possibilities of the future.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: HOLF CHEN
Image Credits: Qiwen photography
Project Team Members: Holf Chen;Yani Hong
Project Name: Deep Memory
Project Client: HOLF CHEN

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